How to Install CyberPanel on CentOS 8

cyber panel
cyber panel

CyberPanel is a web hosting control panel provided by OpenLiteSpeed. Unlike other hosting control panels, it is use OpenLiteSpeed as a web server. It comes with two version CyberPanel and CyberPanel Ent. CyberPanel is completely free for an unlimited number of domains and work processes. In this article you will learn that how to install CyberPanel on CentOS 8


  • Host unlimited domains.
  • Auto SSL.
  • Free SSL.
  • PowerDNS server.
  • MriaDB.
  • Backup Management.
  • FTP Server.
  • FileManager.
  • PHP Managment.

PHP Version Selection from GUI:

  • PHP 5.x
  • PHP 7.x
  • PHP 8.0

You can install CyberPanel on CentOS 8 very easily, just in simple steps using the script provided by CyberPanel.

Step 1: Setting up Environment

If you do not have wget package, first install it using below command.

dnf install wget -y

Recommended to disable SELINUX to avoid any conflict with CyberPanel, before proceed to installation.
Run below command to edit /etc/selinux/config file and change the line from SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled

vi /etc/selinux/config

Once done, save changes to file and reboot the server.

Step 2: Install CyberPanel on CentOS 8

Download the CyberPanel installation script using the wget command.


Run below command to install CyberPanel from script.


During installation, you will see similar screen and ask to perform some steps.

So, please enter the number 1 and hit ENTER key to install CyberPanel.

In next step, press 1 if you want to install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed which is free. or press 2 if you want to install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise which is paid version. In this article we will go with free version and press 1.

Then press y and hit ENTER key for Full installation

Now press y if you want to setup Remote MySQL otherwise press n.

Press Enter key to continue with latest version

Set admin password. You can manually specify, generate one or use the default credentials. Choose [d]fault, [r]andom or [s]et password

Here, Press Y to install Memcached extension and back-end.
Next press again y to install Redis extension and back-end.

These are cache extensions which are very helpful to speedup your website performance.

Press capital Y to enable watchdog for Web service and Database service.

Finally, installation will start and you will see below page once its done. Press Y to reboot the server.

Step 3: Configure Server Firewall

Now, we have to Configure Firewall and enable necessary Ports to make things accessible.

Use below commands to open ports in firewall.

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={80/tcp,443/tcp,8090/tcp,143/tcp,110/tcp,25/tcp,465/tcp,995/tcp,993/tcp,53/tcp,53/udp}
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=40110-40210/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

Step 4: Access CyberPanel Web User Interface

Open your web browser and browse below URL. do not forget to put your server IP address in URL.


Now enter your login details to login CyberPanel. User name will be admin and default password will be 1234567 if you set custom password, please use it to login.

After login you will see below page.

That’s it now you have your own hosting server and can host your domains on it.


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