How to Reset the WordPress Admin Password on the Command-Line


Resetting your WordPress login through the shell can be done with the MySQL command-line client mysql or by using the wp-cli command, a small but handy program to manage WordPress instances on the shell.

Using the mysql command to set a new WordPress password

The first step is to log into your server via SSH. Before changing the password in the database, you should check that you have a recent backup of the database, just in case something goes wrong.

Use the MySQL command line tool to connect to the MySQL or MariaDB server:

mysql -u username -p

Replacing username with your MySQL username. You’ll be prompted to enter your password.

Once you are logged into MySQL, you need to select your WordPress database:

use wordpress_db;

Replace `wordpress_db` with your database name.

Then you must execute an SQL query to update the user password. WordPress uses the MD5 hashing algorithm:

UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5('newpassword') WHERE `user_login` = 'yourusername';

Replace newpassword with your new desired password and yourusername with your WordPress username.



to leave the MySQL prompt.

Update the WordPress Admin Password with wp-cli

Using wp-cli command is even easier to reset the WordPress administrator password.

The first step is to log into your server using SSH. If you have not installed wp-cli yet, follow these instructions.

Then use the wp-cli command to reset the password:

wp user update username --user_pass=newpassword

 Replace username with your WordPress username and newpassword with your new password.


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