Monday, October 21, 2024

OS Grove has created this privacy statement in order to determine this website commitment to privacy. The following acknowledge our information, gathering and propagate practices for our website. The privacy of our valuable visitors is extremely important for us. Read carefully before submitting any personal information, let us know if you have any questions. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not submit personal information or use our website or online services. The server where the OS Grove is hosted, Use IP addresses of the visitors to locate and authenticate valid visitors.


OS Grove use Cookies to store specific pages, posts and information into visitor’s web browser which are viewed by the visitors. These cookies allows visitors to easily find and access OS Grove. We are not responsible for the privacy practices and the cookies of those links or websites which are used in OS Grove.


We may use Third-Party Ads company to display their Ads on our Website pages. These Ads may have cookies, We have not access to such cookies. We are not responsible for the cookies receives from these banners and collected from these Ads company.


This website security measures are core destination to protect the loss and misuse of our information.

Changes to this Policy:

Please note, OS Grove may modify this privacy policy from time to time, We expect these changes are minor but can be very important. The changes will be updated on this page so please read this page regularly.

Contacting the Website:

Do not hesitate to update if you are having any issue, queries and the dealings with OS Grove feel free to contact